Why Is My Dog Breathing So Fast While Sleeping? Is He Sick?

Why Is My Dog Breathing Fast?

Its a question many pet parents are asking nowadays but, dont worry, its usually normal for dogs to breathe a little faster when theyre sleeping.

Mostly, it happens because they might be dreaming, cooling down, or relaxing. But, there are times when rapid breathing could be more serious.

Quick Highlights

In this blog post, we will talk about the following;

1. Reasons For Rapid Breathing.

2. Rapid Breathing In Puppies.

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Reasons For Rapid Breathing

Why Is My Dog Breathing Panting At Night?

Most of the time, its totally normal for your furry friend to breathe a bit faster when theyre sleeping. Its because;

· Dreaming:

Dogs also experience different stages of sleep, including REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. During this phase, dogs dream strongly.

You can notice their eyes moving under their eyelids, paws twitching, soft whimpers, or even rapid breathing.

· Is It Hot?

Dogs cant sweat like we do, so they use their breath to cool down. If its warm in your house, your dog might be working hard to stay comfy.

Ensure that your pets sleeping area is cool, wellventilated, and comfortable.

· Resting:

It can also happen if your dog sleeps right after an exercise or after an outdoor trip. Its because your canine is trying to rest and is tired after exercise.

· Energy:

Rapid breathing due to energy is mostly for puppies because they are packed with boundless energy.

This high energy level changes into a higher metabolic rate and faster heart rate compared to adult dogs.

As a result, puppies often breathe more rapidly, even when they are at rest or sleeping.

sigma dog

Why Is My Puppy Breathing So Fast
While Sleeping?


Why Is My Puppy Breathing So Fast While Sleeping? Dont worry, its usually normal for puppies to breathe faster than adult dogs, especially when theyre sleeping.

Its because they are still growing and their bodies are developing and can get hot easily. Breathing fast helps them cool down.

· Health Concerns: 

As stated above, there are times when rapid breathing while sleeping could be a sign of something more serious.

If you notice any of these additional symptoms along with fast breathing, its best to contact your vet:

1. Excessive drooling or snoring        2. Unusually loud or gasping breaths

3. Restlessness or difficulty sleeping       4. Lethargy or lack of appetite

5. Coughing or wheezing

Your vet can perform a checkup to determine if theres an underlying health issue.

· Anxiety And Stress:

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety and stress.

Changes in the household, separation from their owner, or even loud noises can cause stress, leading to faster breathing rates.

dog paws

Its always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your furry friend. If youre worried about your dogs breathing, dont be afraid to ask for help!

So, next time your dog is snoring or breathing quickly, take a deep breath and try not to worry too much. Its probably just having a super fun dream!


Rapid breathing in dogs is caused by many reasons, most of which are harmless.

By observing your dogs health and behavior, you can understand whether it is a normal part of their sleep cycle or a sign of something more serious

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