What To Feed A Dog With Laryngeal Paralysis? What to Feed And What Not

What To Feed A Dog With Laryngeal Paralysis?

That question has bothered many pet parents whose canines have had laryngeal paralysis for some time, but dont worry; you will find the answer in this blog.

Choosing the right diet for your canine with laryngeal disease is important because they want good and safe nutrition in this condition.

This article provides some tips for the best way to feed a dog with laryngeal paralysis, which can help the dog stay comfortable and get the nutrition it needs.

Quick Highlights

In this article, we will talk about the following;

1. Which Foods To Feed?

2. Which Foods To Avoid?

The table of contents given below helps users to jump directly to any section of this article they want to read;

General Guidelines

Dogs with laryngeal paralysis benefit from a diet that reduces the risk of aspiration and choking.

The following guidelines can help:

1. MoistureRich Foods:

Soft, moist foods are easier for dogs with this disease to swallow. Wet dog food, or kibble mixed with water or broth, can help ensure the food passes smoothly through the throat.

2. Small, Frequent Meals:

Feeding smaller meals more frequently can reduce the workload on the dogs throat, making swallowing easier and reducing the risk of choking.

 3. Elevated Feeding Position:

Feeding your dog from a raised position can help food travel down the esophagus more effectively. Using a raised feeder can be beneficial.

The Pet Arc

Specific Recommendations

Here are some best foods for dogs with laryngeal paralysis:

1. Wet Dog Food:

Highquality canned dog food is an excellent choice as it is soft and easy to swallow. Look for reputable brands that offer canned food without any additives.

2. Homemade Soft Foods:

You can prepare homemade meals that are soft and nutritious. Options include boiled chicken or turkey (finely shredded), mashed sweet potatoes, and wellcooked vegetables.

Always consult with your vet to ensure these homemade meals meet your dogs nutritional needs.

3. Slicing Foods:

Slicing your dogs meals into smaller pieces can make swallowing easier. Mixing cooked meats with vegetables and a bit of broth can create a smooth, easytoswallow meal.

4. Broth and Soups:

Lowsodium broths and soups can be mixed with regular dog food to soften it. Ensure there are no bones or large chunks that could pose a choking hazard.

These are some best diets for dogs with Laryngeal Paralysis but make sure you contact your veterinarian for his advice as he will explain you best according to your pooch.

Foods to Avoid

The following are foods you should avoid giving your canine because they can worsen your canines disease;

1. Dry Kibble:

Unless thoroughly soaked in water or broth, dry kibble can pose a choking risk and should generally be avoided.

2. Hard Treats:

Hard dog treats or bones can be dangerous and should be replaced with softer options, like soft chews or treats designed for senior dogs.

3. Sticky Foods:

Foods that are sticky or gummy can be difficult to swallow and should be avoided to prevent choking.

The Pet Arc

Additional Tips

These are some additional tips for your canine;

1. Monitor Eating:

Always supervise your dog while it is eating to ensure it does not choke and to intervene quickly if necessary.

2. Weight Management:

Maintain a healthy weight for your dog, as fatness can worsen breathing difficulties associated with this disease.

3. Consult with a Veterinarian:

Regular checkups with your veterinarian are important. They can provide tailored advice based on the danger of your dogs condition and overall health.


By making small changes to your dogs feeding routine, you can help them manage laryngeal paralysis and enjoy mealtimes again.

Remember, consulting your veterinarian is key to creating a personalized feeding plan that supports your dogs health and wellbeing.

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