How To Know If Your Dog Has Rabies? Signs and Preventions

Rabies is a severe and fatal viral infection that affects the nervous system of mammals, including dogs and humans.

It is one of the deadliest diseases known, with about a 100% fatality rate once clinical symptoms appear. Understanding the signs and ensuring your dog is vaccinated are crucial steps in preventing this disease.

In this article, we will try to discover the signs of rabies in dogs and discuss how to prevent it.

Key Points

In this articleWe will discuss:

1. Signs of Rabies

2. Prevention

This table of contents will help you to digest the information easily.

Signs And Symptoms

Rabies symptoms in dogs can vary and may take weeks to months to appear after exposureFollowing are some signs and symptoms.

Prodromal Stage:

This initial stage of rabies lasts for 2-3 days. Dogs may show subtle behavioral changes, such as anxiety, restlessness, and a fever. They may also lose their appetite and start to bite or lick the bite site.

After the prodromal stage, rabies can progress into one of two forms: furious or paralytic rabies.

Furious Rabies:

In this stageDogs become extremely excitable and may exhibit unprovoked aggression. They may snap, bite, and attack objects, animals, or humans without reason.

Dogs with furious rabies are often hyperactive and restless. They may run aimlessly and engage in frantic, erratic behavior.

Paralytic Rabies:

This form is characterized by muscle weakness, starting in the limbs and progressing to full paralysis.

Dogs may lose the ability to bark and have difficulty swallowing due to paralysis of the laryngeal musclesParalysis eventually affects the respiratory muscles, leading to coma and death.


Following are some preventions if you know that your dog has rabies.


The most effective way to prevent rabies in dogs is through regular vaccinations. Puppies should receive their first rabies vaccine at around 12 weeks, with boosters given periodically as your veterinarian recommends.

Avoid Contact:

Limit your dogs exposure to wild animals, which are common carriers of rabies. Supervise your dog when outside and keep them on a leash.


Rabies is deadly but preventable with proper vaccination and responsible pet ownership. Understanding the signs of rabies and taking preventive measures can protect your dog and yourself from this fatal infection.

Always consult with your veterinarian to ensure your dog is up to date on their vaccinations and to address any concerns you may have about rabies exposure.

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