How Many Nocturnal Birds Are In Maryland?

How Many Nocturnal Birds Are In Maryland?

According to the Maryland Ornithological Society, over 450 species of birds have been recorded in the state.

Of these, roughly 10-12 species are primarily nocturnal birds in Maryland. This is a small fraction of the states total bird population.

Quick Highlights

In this blog post, we will talk about the following;

1. Nocturnal Birds And Their Species.

2. What Birds Sing At Night?

Nocturnal Birds

Unfortunately, there isnt a specific count of nocturnal birds in Maryland.

While we can identify several nocturnal species, such as owls and some nightjars, its hard to determine an exact population.

Its because of factors like seasonal migration, habitat variations, and the fact that they are only active at night.

However, some of the nocturnal birds are;


About owl species, including the Eastern Screech Owl, Barn Owl, and Great Horned Owl, have been recorded in Maryland.

And if youre thinking about What Birds Sing At Night In Maryland? Well, then, your answer is:

Several bird species sing at night in Maryland, but owls are the most prominent vocalists.

Their distinctive hoots and calls are often heard throughout the night. Some of the rare owl species found in this state are;

Short-eared Owl:

It is a rare bird in Maryland, and its population is declining. Due to habitat loss, this species is considered endangered.

It is primarily seen during the winter months when it migrates into the state.

Northern Saw-whet Owl:

It is a rare nocturnal bird that is difficult to spot. This small, secretive owl is one of the rarest in Maryland and is also found during winter.


Maryland hosts species like the Common Nighthawk and Whippoorwill, which are active during the night or twilight hours.


Though not technically an owl, this nightjar species is active during dusk and night and is present in Maryland during the warmer months.


A nocturnal bird that can be heard calling at night in some parts of Maryland

Final Thoughts

In summary, there are approximately 10-12 species of nocturnal birds.

And with them, the state offers bird enthusiasts a unique opportunity to witness these silent hunters and elusive flyers in their natural habitats.

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