Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi? Discover the Surprising Health Benefits!

Can Dogs Have Kohlrabi?

Yes, dogs can eat kohlrabi! Its actually a pretty healthy treat for them. But they should only have it in small quantities.

Some dogs might have tummy troubles if they overeat.

It is safe for dogs and can be a healthy treat because it is low in calories and contains vitamins and fibre.

Quick Highlights

In this blog post, we will talk about the following;

1. Nutritional Profile And Risks.

2. Raw Or Cooked?

Nutritional Benefits

Kohlrabi, or German Turnip, is packed with essential nutrients that can benefit your dogs health. It includes the following nutrients:

Vitamin C

It is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that can support your dogs immune system and help repair tissues.

Its like a shield that protects their body from germs and helps them heal faster. Vitamin C is essential if your dog is sick or old.


The vegetable is high in dietary fibre, which can help digestion and maintain a healthy weight by keeping your dog fuller.


Potassium is important for maintaining proper muscle function and heart health. It helps their heartbeat, muscles work properly and even helps their brain.

And, just like vitamin C, it helps keep them strong and healthy.

Low Calories

It is low in calories, making it a great treat option for dogs who need to manage their weight. A slimmer dog will have more energy to run and play with you!


The vegetable contains Phytonutrients that can help reduce inflammation and support overall health. They can also help in a healthy and shiny coat.


Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi Leaves? Yes, dogs can eat kohlrabi leaves! Theyre actually packed with even more nutrients than the kohlrabi bulb itself.

However, just like with the kohlrabi, its best to give your dog a small amount first to see how their tummy reacts.

Risks and Considerations

While this vegetable is safe for most dogs, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Digestive Sensitivity

Some dogs have sensitive stomachs and may not tolerate certain vegetables well.

If your dog has had any digestive issues or has a digestive issue, consult your vet before changing his diet.


Is Kohlrabi Bad For

Is Kohlrabi Bad For Dogs? No, It isnt bad! Its actually a healthy treat for them. Its a superfood for dogs because it has many vitamins and minerals.

Choking Hazard

Always cut it into small, manageable pieces to reduce the risk of choking, especially for smaller dogs. Larger pieces can cause choking, so be careful.

Is Kohlrabi Poisonous
To Dogs?

Is Kohlrabi Poisonous To Dogs? No, kohlrabi is not poisonous to dogs. Its actually a healthy treat for them!

Its like a crunchy, yummy snack packed with good food for their bodies. And remember, its a treat, not a meal!

Kohlrabi: Raw Or Cooked

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi Raw? Yes, dogs can eat kohlrabi raw! Its a crunchy and healthy treat for them.

Just cut it into small pieces so your dog doesnt choke. As with any new food, start with a small amount to see how your dogs tummy reacts.

They can also eat it cooked. They might find it easier to digest when its cooked. However, dont add seasonings or butter, as these can harm dogs.

Moderation Is Key

Introduce it slowly and in small amounts, especially if your dog has never had it. This will allow you to monitor for allergic reactions or digestive issues.

A few bites mixed into their regular food or as a small treat may prove a good start.


It can be a nutritious and safe treat for your dog when prepared and served correctly and in moderation.

Its lowcalorie content and collection of vitamins and minerals make it an attractive addition to your dogs diet.

However, as with any new food, its important to introduce kohlrabi gradually and in moderation.

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