Are Stromanthe Toxic to Cats?

Stromanthe, also known as the Prayer Plant or Triostar Stromanthe, is a popular houseplant with beautiful colorful leaves.

They are known for their exciting leaves that fold up at night, resembling praying hands.

However, concerns about their toxicity to cats have also appeared, causing pet owners to question whether these beautiful plants are dangerous to their feline companions.

Let’s explore more about Stromanthe and its felinefriendly qualities.

Quick Highlights

In this article, we will talk about the following:

1.  Concern for cats due to Stromanthe.

2.  Safety Precautions in this regard.

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Stromanthe plants, belonging to the Marantaceae family, originally grew in warm parts of North and South America.

Their beautiful leaves, featuring shades of green, pink, and cream, add a charming touch to any indoor space.

Stromanthe falls in the mildly toxic category of plants by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).

Therefore, pet owners must be careful regarding the safety of their feline friends.



Concern for Cats

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Stromanthe plants are considered slightly toxic to cats.

Saponins are the poisonous components in these plants. If your feline companion consumes them in large quantities, they can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Symptoms of toxicity may include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and stomach discomfort.


While Stromanthe plants are not as toxic as some other common houseplants, such as lilies or philodendrons, cat owners should still be aware of the potential risks.

Cats are naturally curious creatures and may bite on plants out of boredom or curiosity, putting them at risk of consuming harmful substances.

However, you must discourage your cat from chewing on houseplants. Even plants that are safe for cats can cause stomach upset if eaten in large quantities.

Plants can contain insects or bacteria that could be bothersome to your cat.


Here are some tips to keep your cat away from your Stromanthe:

1.  Cats are naturally curious and playful. Offer your cat plenty of scratching posts, toys, and climbing structures to keep them busy.

2.  Put your Stromanthe on a high shelf or in a location your cat cant easily access.

3.  Apply a catsafe spray to the plant, but test it on a small area first to ensure it doesnt damage the leaves.

4.  If you suspect that your cat has ingested any part of a Stromanthe plant and is displaying symptoms of toxicity, its crucial to seek veterinary care immediately.

Your veterinarian can guide the appropriate action, including observing your cats symptoms or advising treatment to relieve the discomfort of your feline friend.

5.  You can also choose nontoxic plants or fake grass for your house. In this way, you can ensure that your feline companion stays healthy.


In conclusion, while Stromanthe plants can add beauty and charm to your home, pet owners should know their potential risks to cats.

While not highly toxic, these plants contain substances that can cause gastrointestinal upset if consumed, leading to discomfort and illness for your feline companion.

By taking precautions such as placing plants out of reach and providing alternative sources of refreshment for your cat, you can create a safe environment where plants and pets can bloom. 

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