Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic Dogs? Unveil The Truth

Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic Dogs?

The answer is No! Dachshunds are not hypoallergenic dogs. They shed, and dogs who shed can cause allergies in some people.

Even though Dachshunds come in different coat types (smooth, longhaired, and wirehaired), none are considered lowshedding.

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In this blog post, we will talk about the following;

1. Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic?

2. How To Manage Allergies?


A hypoallergenic dog does not cause allergies in humans. And no dog on planet Earth is completely hypoallergenic.

Also, poodles, considered highly hypoallergenic, are not completely hypoallergenic. Its important to know that allergies are not caused by fur.

While Dachshunds coat might seem short and easy to manage, its not the hair that causes allergies.

The real problem is a protein found in a dogs dander, saliva, and urine. Unfortunately, Dachshunds produce these allergens just like any other dog.

Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic Dogs?

How To Manage Allergies In A
Dachshund Pup?

If you are allergic and still want to keep those beautiful Dachshunds. There are several ways to manage allergies to a minimum;

1. Regular Grooming:

Regular brushing of dachshunds can help to remove loose hair and dander.

This might mean weekly brushing for smoothcoated Dachshunds, while longhaired and wirehaired varieties may need more frequent grooming.

2. Bathing:

Regular baths can help to reduce the amount of dander on your dogs skin.

Be careful not to overbathe, as this can dry out your dachshunds skin and increase dander production.

3. Cleaning:

Keeping your home clean is necessary. Vacuum regularly, and consider using a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap allergens.

Wash your dogs bedding frequently and use air purifiers to help reduce airborne allergens.

4. Creating DogFree Zones:

Designate certain areas of your home, such as bedrooms, as dogfree zones to minimize exposure to allergens where you spend a significant amount of time.

5. Medication:

Consult an allergist to determine if allergy medications help manage your symptoms. And whether your dachshund is safe for you.

Alternatives To Dachshunds

If managing allergies is too difficult for you, you can consider other breeds popular to be more hypoallergenic.

Breeds such as Poodles, Bichon Frises, and Portuguese Water Dogs are often recommended for allergy sufferers.

These breeds tend to shed less and produce fewer allergens, making them a better choice for those with sensitivities.


Are Dachshunds Hypoallergenic Dogs?


While Dachshunds are charming and beloved by many, they are not hypoallergenic. They shed and produce dander, which can trigger allergic reactions.

However, many allergy sufferers are living comfortably with a Dachshund with careful management and regular grooming.

Exploring more hypoallergenic breeds might be a better option for those with severe allergies.

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